If we want to have a chance of saving our Democracy, the resistance has to start right now. Svante Myrick joins Thom Hartmann to discuss People For the American Way’s new campaign Resist Project 2025.
How To Start Resisting Trump’s Second Term w/ Svante Myrick
By tito235|2024-11-09T06:45:25-05:00November 9, 2024|Elections, News and Media|Comments Off on How To Start Resisting Trump’s Second Term w/ Svante Myrick
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About the Author: tito235

We, our children, animal and ocean species, and biodiversity deserve a sustainable, safe, healthy, and extinction-free planet. We must work together to overcome the hurdles and obstacles that are currently preventing this, rather than allowing greed, need, and other special interests to prevail. This is now a dire necessity that we must address. (...continues at climategut.com)