Interest in electric vehicles is at an all time high, with sales of new EVs up 55 percent in 2022 compared to the year prior. But there are still a lot of gas cars on the road today and there will be for a long time. EV conversions are becoming a bigger trend that could help. Both the shops and aftermarket community are growing substantially to meet the new demand. CNBC explores what it takes to convert a gas-powered car to an electric vehicle and whether it could go mainstream.
How To Convert A Gas-Powered Car To An Electric Vehicle
By tito235|2024-07-06T07:51:54-04:00July 6, 2024|Electric Vehicles (EVs), Renewable Energy|Comments Off on How To Convert A Gas-Powered Car To An Electric Vehicle
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About the Author: tito235

We, our children, animal and ocean species, and biodiversity deserve a sustainable, safe, healthy, and extinction-free planet. We must work together to overcome the hurdles and obstacles that are currently preventing this, rather than allowing greed, need, and other special interests to prevail. This is now a dire necessity that we must address. (...continues at