I truly appreciate Simon Clark posting this YouTube video, it is beyond informative.  Thank you so much!

Climate change can feel completely overwhelming. It can feel impossible to stay on top of, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Let me show you how I stay up to date with all things climate.

  1. Simon Clark’s Newsletterhttps://simonoxfphys.com/newsletter
  2. Carbon Briefhttps://www.carbonbrief.org/
  3. Carbon Brief Interactive Contenthttps://interactive.carbonbrief.org/
  4. Carbon Brief Daily Briefinghttps://www.carbonbrief.org/daily-brief/
  5. Carbon Brief Newsletter https://www.carbonbrief.org/newsletter
  6. Nature Briefing Signuphttps://www.nature.com/briefing/signup
  7. Skeptical Sciencehttps://skepticalscience.com/
  8. The Progress Playbookhttps://theprogressplaybook.com/
  9. The Progress Playbook 2024 Trendshttps://theprogressplaybook.com/2024/trends
  10. The Progress Playbook 2024 Innovationshttps://theprogressplaybook.com/2024/innovations
  11. National Grid Livehttps://grid.iamkate.com/
  12. Renewables Maphttps://renewables-map.robinhawkes.com/
  13. Electricity Mapshttps://app.electricitymaps.com/map
  14. Talking Climatehttps://www.talkingclimate.ca/
  15. Inside Climate Newshttps://insideclimatenews.org/
  16. Our World in Datahttps://ourworldindata.org/
  17. Sustainability by Numbershttps://www.sustainabilitybynumbers.com/
  18. Bill McKibben’s Substackhttps://billmckibben.substack.com/
  19. ClimateAdam (YouTube)@ClimateAdam
  20. DrGilbz (YouTube)@DrGilbz
  21. Just Have a Think (YouTube)@JustHaveaThink
  22. Outrage and Optimism Podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/show/6zrL0QQEzm6fKehnprZTiP
  23. International Energy Agency (IEA)https://www.iea.org/
  24. IEA World Energy Outlook 2024https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-outlook-2024

I have a few also over at cccmty.com, but they might not be as updated as his are as I haven’t updated in for over a year.
Here is the link. – https://cccmty.com/links/

By utilizing these resources, staying informed about climate change becomes manageable. Whether you’re looking for daily news, in-depth analyses, or ways to engage with the community, these tools recommended by Simon Clark are invaluable.

Let’s stay informed and make a difference together.
