“Innovation commences not with the search for ready-made solutions, but with the envisioning of the remedies we require.”
Hello, everyone! Tito here, reaching out to inform you about some updates regarding our website.
Recently, we’ve been grappling with some back-end issues that have been steadily exacerbating. Consequently, I’ve made the decision to temporarily take down this site for a few months (and until I can resolve an additional internet access complication).
During this downtime, I’ve committed to initiating a specialized Climate Emergency SDL-based program. Additionally, I’m working on overhauling the site to foster a more community-centric and niche-specific environment (now moved to climatetribe and greentechcafe).
To complement this effort, I’m developing an extension website named Green Tech Cafe (and climatetribe.com), slated for introduction sometime in July 2024 (we hope). I’m excited to implement a unique concept tailored to benefit those deeply involved in tackling our Climate Emergency.
As an interim measure, I’ve set up an older domain that I own, called ‘Climate Gut,’ which can be found at ClimateGut.com specifically for blog posting as well. I’ve already begun filling this site with blog posts and enhancing its format and style.
I invite you to visit ClimateGut.com and delve into discussions covering both cultural matters and our shared Climate Emergency.
Here is a list for better understand of my sites and their functions:
- – about.me/tito235: (Social Links)
- – ClimateChangeCommunity.com: (Advanced Community for Adaptive Resilience Book Club)
- – ClimateTribe.com: (Basic Community for both Adaptive Resilience Book Club and Green Tech Cafe)
- – ClimateGut.com: (Climate and Related Blogging)
- – GreenTechCafe: (Advanced Community IT Support and Circular Tech Education)
- – titoalvarez.net: (Art, Culture, and Education Blogging)
Thank you for your attention,